The Law of Attraction (LoA) is a teacher that is always trying to get our attention. If we cultivate awareness of our surroundings, it is a gentle teacher through the example of others. If we close our minds off, its lessons come as harsh reminders to stop and see what we are doing. It often does this through a sub-law called the “Law of Reflection”. Reflection does just what the name implies – flipping the incident back at us.
Ironic, isn’t it?
Looking for Daily Patterns
How can we better cultivate this awareness? One easy way is to look for patterns. Once you become aware, they are easy to spot. Have you ever said, “wow, everyone is doing (insert activity here) today”? Perhaps they not are doing it more than usual, but you are noticing a pattern of behavior emerging in REACTION to your own ACTIONS.
This is best shown by an example I noticed yesterday (Saturday) as I went about my day. I was working with Facebook on a very specific project – the topic of politics. I wanted to get them out of the way quickly so I could enjoy the rest of my weekend. Since it’s also is a delicate topic, I felt it best to deal with it early in the day and move on to other projects that require me to relax.
So I did my posts and later noticed one had been replied to. I was irritated by the reply and made a mental note to go back and reply later as I was just going into a think tank meeting. After the meeting let out, I was tasked with driving home, so I didn’t reply back. Wanting to gather some facts to back up my reply, I knew by now this reply may not even happen today as I had other more important things to do than defend my position to someone who was less than polite in their reply.
That Wasn’t the End of It
As I was getting ready for a late Halloween party that evening, I get a Facebook message from a friend. She suggested I delete another post I had made that morning because one of my friends was trolling her. Knowing her to be the saner of the two, I said I would look into it. I checked the thread and sure enough, my other friend was vehemently defending his position every time she replied. The replies on his side were getting meaner and less rational and she was replying with more irritation. After I asked him to stop replying and calmed things down, something hit me about the entire incident.
Acting not Reacting
The Law of Attraction was using the Law of Reflection to show me what would happen if I had replied on my earlier post. At that moment, I knew it was warning me not to reply in a discussion where we would end up only arguing. Yes, even trolling each other as my two friends had done on the other post! Instead, I chose not to reply, saving myself time, grief and frustration. Sure I have thought of all the replies I could have used to make my point, but I would not have changed his mind in the end? From his attitude, I would not have even gotten him to consider my point of view. Meditating on how I had replied in the first place made me realize I had set myself up to lose the argument in replying the way I did.
Better to Learn from the Mistakes of Others…
…than pay the price of making the mistake yourself. It saves our reputations among friends, networkers and family as well as saves us grief. In an era of people taking a stand for their beliefs more than ever, it is much wiser to learn to respect their opinions – and your self-respect.
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