If anyone needs clear shots from the RNC Jump Start event, (heh, Jassmin, lol?) go ahead and snag them from this post!
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If anyone needs clear shots from the RNC Jump Start event, (heh, Jassmin, lol?) go ahead and snag them from this post!
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”8″ gal_title=”RNC Jump Start Event”]
Getting back into the swing of appearances, we were at the Jump Start Reseda event this past Saturday, September 2nd. It was good to get back out and touch base with the local community we lived in for 16 years. Sponsored by the Reseda Neighborhood Council has been through some ups and downs with the changing of Board Members and the loss of Civic Site Design as a consistent website designer for the prior seven years, but they are coming back strong. We are glad to have been a part of their event and to see their determination to revitalize a once glorious city and community of their 1950’s golden years.