Evolution means sometimes taking risk. Anything worth obtaining is worth paying the price for. Do you believe this? If you do, your possibilities in life widen.
The next step in business evolution for me, I believe, is to become a better salesperson. To learn more about how to sell my products and myself, to learn more about how the world of business works, and especially about who is not only surviving, but thriving in this downturned economy and more importantly WHY they are thriving. Even before the economy turned, about a year, year and a half ago, I realized that jewelry and cell phone purse retail sales were not going to cut it in bringing in enough money for me. I followed what the Universe seemed to be guiding me to do, and that was website design. When the economy killed my retail sales half a year later, it began bringing me more opportunities for expanding my website design clientele and so I went back to school to get some more education in the Adobe CS3 suite. But that was only the beginning of my evolutionary journey.
Now, in April 2009, my research into this area has me sitting at the inagural opening ceremonies of a new business college created by Quattro University. This is a large, financial chance we are taking, but in a sense it was also a no-brainer. With our 401ks hemmoraging money every month, they no longer served our purpose where they were. They are better invested into sharpening our business and entrepreneural skills. Remember, give a man a fish (or a job) and you’ll sustain them for a time. Teach them to fish (or run a business as an entrepreneur) and they will not only feed themselves, but they will be able to adapt and adopt to changes in the economy. And, as Quattro teaches, they will be able to “pay it forward” so everyone around them who are willing to listen will also benefit.
Do you do blogroll exchanging? If you want to exchange links let me know.
Email me back if you’re interested.